29 July 2011

Heathrow staff parking battle

When we think of Heathrow airport parking, we think of parking for holidaymakers or business travellers, we don’t even consider employees’ parking.

It wasn’t until I came across an article on Skyport that I even thought about where Heathrow employees parked, or even how much it cost them. After all, two weeks’ holiday parking is expensive enough, what happens, and how much does it cost, if you need airport parking all year round?

Too much, it seems, as there’s a battle going on between the airport and workers, who have accused Heathrow of making money from employees’ parking. According to the article, car park fees have risen from £700 to more than £2000, ouch! Not only that, the staff parking facility has been moved away from the terminal to a remote facility 5-10 minutes uncovered walk away for the same price.

For more information on the story check out the Skyport-Heathrow article here: http://www.skyport-heathrow.co.uk/2011/07/heathrow-denies-car-park-profi.html#more

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