30 April 2012

Solasis Light Tower

Have two parking designers discovered the Light at the End of the Eco Parking Tower?

We’ve all heard about off-shore banking, but off-shore parking? Well here’s a fabulous eco parking design concept by designers, Klaud Wasiak and Yongbang Ho.

An island that would be created off-shore would house hundreds of electric cars, all being recharged by natural energy from the sun, held in an aesthetically pleasing harbour style environment.

The sun’s energy would be collected via a heat exchanger within the huge tower that uses windshields, as well as tracking sun via the hot roofs of the cars and their mirrors.

A metro transport system would also be built underneath the car park to take drivers back into the city, also powered by the sun’s energy.

Energy collected recharges the parked electric vehicles with the additional power that has been collected fed back into the city’s power supply.

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