06 July 2012

Green P Parking - Self Sufficient Eco Parking Bays in Wasted Spaces

With space at a premium it is little wonder many designers and architects have set their sights on car parks that take up little space in over crowded cities.

So take, for example, the innovative eco parking concept by Lithuanian industrial designers, Algis Berziunas and Laima Rimkute, the Green P parking system.

Their idea is to place parking in unused small sites within city streets that are self sufficient by harvesting sunlight through solar panels on top of the parking site. The solar-panel-generated electricity could then be used to power street lighting, or provide charging for electric or hybrid vehicles.

What’s more, the parking spaces can be purpose built to fit under roadways, in essentially an underground car park that the designers say “decentralises” car parking, operating on a lift system. Cars would use a system of lifts that would take the vehicles underground, and slot them into an individual parking bay.

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